Every day, morning and night, he sent me messages with poems, with declarations of love, which I thought at the beginning as unrealistic, since we didn’t know each other personally and we should get to know each other in person before we can speak of love.But his messages were so beautiful and he had started calling me “Honey”, as I now was his true love, and I was looking forward more and more every day to his messages. On Nov. 06, I set up a Skype account so we could chat directly. On that day he told me he wanted to live with me, his daughter Petra and my son together in Munich.
I should buy a house for this. I refused to buy a house, since I didn’t had the money. He told me that he could send me some money and I should look for a 4-bedroom-house. I told him, we could do this together after his arrival here. And that evening I told him that I love him, what has made him probably very happy (haha). At that time I was already very much in love with him and so worried that nothing would happen to him in this terrible country. I couldn’t eat anymore, could only think about him the whole time and I was only waiting for my chats with him on Skype.
Even dancing, my hobby wasn’t fun for me anymore, as I could only think of him. Of course, we still exchanged mails every day. He always sent me wonderful love poems that would easily win the heart of every woman.
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This is the true story from Brigitte’s own diary.